
Bruno de Oliveira Júlio

Innovation | Design Thinking | UX

Day: March 30, 2006


Wikipedia: Smart Mob

“The smart mob is a concept introduced by Howard Rheingold in his book Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution. According to Rheingold, smart mobs are an indication of the evolving communication technologies that will empower the people.” “A smart mob […]


Wikipedia: Collective Intelligence

“…is a working form of intelligence which overcomes “groupthink” and individual cognitive bias in order to allow a collective to cooperate on one process—while maintaining reliable intellectual performance. In this context, it refers to robust consensus decision making, and may […]


Information versus Knowledge

Nicolas Nova faz uma recensão de um texto da Harvard Business Review, ao qual não tive acesso, mas que vale a pena reproduzir aqui. Basicamente demonstra a enorme diferença entre Informação e Conhecimento na Web: “Several technological and political forces […]

Social menu is not set. You need to create menu and assign it to Social Menu on Menu Settings.